
Big Dreams: Big Lives

At one time or another every child has big dreams – to have a purpose in life. It is no different for children in Malawi. It is innate in us to …

extreme possibilities

Extreme Possibilities

Today there are over 700 million people on this planet living in “extreme poverty” (existing on less than $1.90 per day). Non-governmental organizations around the world have set a goal …

MCM as a Community School

A Community School is a proven strategy for student success. A Community School is both a place and a collaboration between the school and other community resources. This approach integrates …

Protecting the Vulnerable in Malawi

[Reprinted from, by Rachel Parker] Avisha’s first time to Africa was in 2005, before she was married to Ken Mpemba.  Growing up in Hong Kong and then moving to the …

Young Men’s Project

To better equip the boys at MCM for future employment our team launched the Young Men’s Project this summer.  The program includes mentoring to provide guidance and nurturing to develop strong leaders …

On A Quest

When you meet 20 year old Stella Fombe you know this young woman is driven.  She is small in stature but stands out in a group.  It is not just …

What Can You Promise an Orphan?

After returning from a two week project at MCM and in surrounding villages this past June, Binghamton University student, Jennifer Wapiski-Moordian, wrote in her blog post “at the farewell ceremony with the staff and …

Education Initiatives

One of MCM’s goals is to provide the 150+ orphans we serve with resources needed to be successful in their education.  This includes providing meals each day, uniforms and shoes, school …

MCM Community Outreach

Our mission has always been to provide Malawi’s orphaned population of 4 – 19 year olds the resources they need to thrive; nutrition, education, healthcare and emotional support.   We realize that …

Diminished Hope

In November MCM’s staff and children were hopeful for a hearty harvest this April as they prepared the rows and mounds of soil, planted maize seeds, fertilized and weeded the crops.   The …